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October 2021: SAATCHI ART Other Art Fair, Dallas, TX


2019: WPE International Awards 2nd place Silver award


February- May 2018  Hudson River Museum, Yonkers, NY

"The Neo-Victorians: Contemporary Artists Revive Gilded-Age Glamour"

Link to show Here:


December 2015 - March 2016: Texas Photographic Society 

"Members Only Show" 

Juror: Keith Carter, Chair of Visual Arts, Lamar University


"2015 Best of the Best Photographers"

One Eyeland


July-September 2015: The Small Gallery, Dallas, Texas

"Abstract vs. Narrative"


October-November 2014: International Cultural Center of  Texas Tech University


October  2014: The Bath House Cultural Center, Dallas, Texas

"Dia de los Muertos"


November 2013: Joel Cooner Gallery, Dallas, Texas


October-November 2013: The Bath House Cultural Center, Dallas, Texas

"Dia de los Muertos"


September-October 2013: The Small Gallery, Dallas, Texas



September-October 2013: PhotoPlace Gallery, Middlebury, Vermont

"Mountains and Sea" international juried exhibition


January 2013: PhotoPlace Gallery, Middlebury, Vermont

"Birds: Real or Imagined" international juried exhibition


2012: The Best of One Eyeland Photography Book, Volume 2

August-September 2012: PhotoPlace Gallery, Middlebury, Vermont

"Alternative Realities" international juried exhibition


December 2011/January 2012: The Center for Fine Art Photography, Fort Collins, Colorado



November 2011: Limner Gallery, Hudson, New York

"A Show of Heads"


2011: The Best of One Eyeland Photography Book


May/June 2011: Communication Arts Illustrators Annual 52


August 2010 National Geographic Traveler/ PDN The Great Outdoors Photo contest finalist.


February 2010: “El Corazon” Art Exhibition, Dallas Texas


Fall-Winter 2009: Direct Art Magazine Selection


May 2009: D Art Slam, Dallas, Texas


December 2008: The Artist Project, Chicago, Illinois
Jurors include: Jeanne Long, Director of Special Exhibitions at the School of Art of the Art Institute of Chicago and Tricia Van Eck, Curatorial Coordinator and Curator of Artists’ Books at the Museum of Contemporary Art, Chicago


October 2008: Industrial Museum, Monterey, Mexico Group Show


October 2008: Visual Arts Society of Texas
Show of Previously Award-Winning Art. Second Prize


September 2008: Galleria Art E Art, Cuernavaca, Mexico
Solo Show


September 2008: Limner Gallery, Hudson, New York
“Strange Figurations” international juried exhibition


July-August 2008: Center for Fine Art Photography, Colorado
“The Artful Nude” international juried exhibition Juror: Kim Weston


June-July 2008: Washington Gallery of Photography, Bethesda, Maryland
“Sweet Dreams and Nightmares: The Subconscious Unleashed” national juried exhibition


April-May 2008: Visual Arts Society of Texas
40th Annual Juried Visual Arts Exhibition Juror: Nic Nicosia. Third Prize


March-April 2008: Union Street Gallery, Chicago Heights, Illinois
“Dreams and Visions” National Juried Exhibition. Cash Award


March-April 2008: Artspace National Juried Printmaking and Photography Exhibition, Richmond, Virginia 

Juror: Brooks Johnson, Curator of 21st Century Art and Photography, Chrysler Museum of Art,
Norfolk, Virginia. Best of Show


November – December 2007: CameraArts Magazine Showcase Edition


October – November 2007: International Exhibition of Fine Art Photography, Center for Fine Art Photography, Colorado


July, 2007: “Salon du Fit 4″ Invitational Exhibition, Dallas, Texas


February, 2007: El Corazon Art Exhibition, Dallas, Texas


January – February 2007: Center for Fine Art Photography, Colorado
“Fantasy and Fantasies” juried exhibition CameraArts Magazine Artists’ Showcase Denver International Airport


November, 2006: CameraArts Magazine Artists’ Showcase


November, 2006: American Illustrated Annual 2005


September – October, 2006: Kellogg University Art Gallery at California State Polytechnic University, Pomona, California 

DPI (Digitally Propelled Ideas) National Juried ExhibitionJuror: Elliott Earls Cash Award


July, 2006: Bath House Cultural Center, Dallas, Texas

 “Salon du Fit 3″ 


July, 2006: Center for Fine Art Photography, Denver, Colorado
“On the Edge” juried exhibition “Best of Show” Award Denver International Airport Exhibit

2006: International Color Awards / Masters of Color Photography
Nominee Award


May – June, 2006: Dimensions 2006 National Competition, Winston-Salem, North Carolina
Juror: Brooke Anderson, Director and Curator of Contemporary Center of the American Folk Art Museum, New York, New York


May, 2006: International Color Awards/2nd Annual Photography Masters Cup
Nominee Award


April, 2006: San Diego Art Institute Sony International Digital Award Exhibition
Juror: Marilyn Kushner, Department Chair of Prints and Drawings at Brooklyn Museum, NewYork John McKee Figurative Image Award


November, 2005: Photo District News Magazine’s International Pix Awards
Merit Award

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